Iconic Madness

Basic Info

Name: Nova Incura Kagero
Current Occupation: Supplier of Spirits (Alcohol)
"Secret" Occupation: Fallen God of Lust and Corruption
Height: 7' (214 cm)
Weight: 245 lbs (111 kg)
Age: Unknown (atleast a few millenniums)
Looks: Mid to early 20s (somewhere close to 25)
Blood Type: Unlisted (black blood)
Hair Color: Ivory Or Ebony (Depends on Vers)
Hair Length: Usually meets up with his hips. Sometimes his knees.
Skin Color: Alabaster Touched or Sun Kissed
Eye Color: Amber
Sex: Male
Birthday: January 3rd
Sexual Tendency:75% Dom, 25 % Sub
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual? (Heavy fem lean)

Extra Info

He has a greyish foot long tongue and ivory colored fangs. The tips of his fangs have been dyed crimson from how often they have pierced into the flesh of (usually) maidens. He also has the ability to have two soft fluffy fox ears and a long fluffy fox tail appear on his body. Unlike most divine beings, he only has one large blackened wing. The other was permanently torn off before he had "died". He has an ungodly level of poison resistance. His blood is the main reason for this abnormal resistance as it attacks any foreign object that enters his body and destroy it before it can do any harm, his blood is even sought out by apothecaries to be used in their high grade antidotes. While on the other hand his resistance to curses is almost nil, any curse working on him without fail.

Head Cannons

1) He actually does not have a left arm. It has been replaced with a shadow prosthetic he had made cast with a high level illusion spell over it to make it seem real. It actually is practically a new arm. Even to him any damage to it feels real.
2) Due to his skills with his hands he is able to play piano and other other instruments of similar design.
3) He actually is a sucker for sweet things. He might lower his guard for a bit around them. This can cause some weird situations.
4) He will try to destroy anything he sees that he registers as having a bitter taste. Rather weird, but he just hates that taste so much.
5) Under certain circumstances he might just go brain dead and not even realize what he is doing, Usually involving sweets, corruption, or desires.
6) He is a sucker for sweet and innocent girls. He will lower his guard around them rather easily.
7) Electricity completely ruins his synchronization with the host. It messes with the signals sent through his blood. A very blantant weakness.
8) Conversely he is rather adamant about devices that are more powerful than a cellular device. Stating that they will mess with his connection.
9) He is not considered fully immortal. Due to his connection to the host. His seemingly infinite life span is consumed slowly to keep the body active. After a while the body will begin to reject him. This happens to each host.
10) Different bodies have different possible sync rates. The lower the sync rate the less likely for an immediate take over. If too poor the mindless entity within him takes over and rampages until the sync rate stabilizes.
11) Bodies will change to meet his desired attributes upon take over. Thus anyone of different body mass will change to his preferred dimensions.
12) He actually suffers from mild dementia, sometimes believing and seeing things others don't. His memory is also very spotty at times. Remembering things wrong even at times.
13) As stated before, he is actually a fox shifter based entity. He can change into an artic fox upon will or gain a pair of white ears and a fluffy white tail.
14) If he lets you touch his hair it means he actually trusts you. He is rather picky about what is allowed to touch his hair.
15) Fox form features cause him to have a weakness to laser pointers. Don't ask, his mind is rather basic when in fox form.
16) Madness and desires are two of his favorite words. He truly loves their existance and will usually ask about them.
17) Nova is actually awkwardly flexible. His body able to contort in strange ways. While not literally made of rubber, the body can move into some rather impossible positions. Meant to cause someone to not read his movements well.
18) He tends to over think situations; this is due to his fast moving mind creating multiple scenario's to explain somethings meaning.
19) He is a whore for cuddles and will completely cuddle anyone, even strangers if asked. He isn't good at stranger danger!!
20) He actually still has Pandora's box hidden somewhere in his castle. He believes if he can find all the beasts that escaped and capture them, that he can break the curse and regain his old power and form.
21) Nova is based off of both Lucifer the actual fallen angel and a symbiote from the spiderman verse.
22) The symbiote influence comes in the shape of the form he takes when the madness over powers him.
23) He will usually only be nice to those that he truly values. Meaning it might be hard for some if their first encounter wasn't all to well.
24) During certain times of the month. Mostly within or close to the last week of the month, his primal urges show. Meaning he might act more like an animal. He will try his best to maintain his composure near strangers. Might slip if distracted.
25) Magically always lands on his feet if he falls. It is rather weird; almost as if some weird cosmic force denies him the chance to fall on anything that isn't his feet.

The Madness Behind Nova

Ever since his fall, Nova hasn't been the same man he was before. His once loving and helpful personality shifted in his time in the abyss to that of a callous and cruel man. The soft hearted god turned into a beast hellbent on breaking all those in front of him. Small traces of his old personality still do exist. Being shown only to those he has opened up his heart to. Since his fall he has learned how to manipulate and trick others into doing as he wishes. Even going so far as to occasionally fake being a saint around some in order to throw them off. Underneath his cold exterior is a true murderer. Fully willing to murder anyone who ends up trying to get in his way.

The Fall From Grace

Ages ago Nova lived in the divine realm with many other gods. Being a prominent god in his own pantheon, he had a shrine that usually received quite a few offerings. After many centuries he became one of the higher ranking gods. This did not bode well with quite a few of the lesser gods; so they devised a way to trick him, to corrupt him and make him fall. Knowing full well how often Nova had gone down to the mortal plane and how often he visited a certain forest; they had laid a trap down there for him, an ancient box containing a powerful curse as well as a gate way to the abyss. Nova being the rather curious fellow he was, quickly gained interest in the box after finding it in the ruins of the castle on day when venturing deep into the woods.

After many weeks of trying to figure out how exactly to open the box, he succeeded. His body and the forest swallowed up by the endless abyss. Many of the elder god's had gone looking for him, unable to find him, the search for him quickly being called off, he was presumed dead at that moment. The seclusion and the darkness housed in the abyss had succeeded in rotting his mind. His once pure white wings stained black from the chaos.

After finally finding a way free from the chaotic confines he was trapped in his first order of business was to return to the divine realm and slaughter everyone. Thinking that the gods knew where he was; that they sentenced him to this pain because they were jealous. After finally returning he laid waste to the realm, destroying many aspects of the realm he once called home. After rampaging for weeks on end he was face to face with the great divines. Fighting many of them all at once before finally receiving enough fatal wounds to be cast out. A wing of his ripped off of his body. Permanently hindering his ability to fly.

His body entering a state of stasis as it tried to heal itself. His body being taken in by a group of mad scientists and experimented on. They believed him to be a ancient demon and wished to harness his power for war. Their goal was to separate his soul and essence from his body and insert him into soldiers. Allowing them to fight with power previously thought unimaginable. After many decades of trying this project they had found a successful candidate; {Name Redacted} the human who had succeeded in taking in the power of two lesser entities. Little did they know {redacted} would not be able to handle all three beasts within him at once. The carnage that ensued would not be know to anyone as every scientist who was present was slaughtered by {redacted}. He had been swallowed by the Divine Prophet of the Abyss.

Divine Prophet of the Abyss

The Divine Prophet of The Abyss is the name the mortals have given to Nova when he goes on a rampage. His hosts body being consumed by a deep black ooze and both the mind of Nova and the host lost until the beast is satiated. Not even Nova has control over this form and usually goes on killing sprees that end with entire populations of cities being reduced to nill.

The beast only listens to the chants of the abyss the echo through its mind. The carnage usually happens each time Nova changes his host body, on rare occasions in which the host is perfectly compatible with his mana, the beast will remain dormant. When threatened and pushed back into a corner the beast will escape and take control over Nova.

The true power of the beast comes not only from Nova, but the two entities he had consumed from his initial host. Using their own life energies and powers to restore his own. When taken over by the Prophet, Nova gains a rather unique ability. The ability to perfectly control any blood within a 10 meter radius. Making it possible to send normal humans into a killing spree.

The Ruined Castle in the Woods

Deep in the center of the King's Cursed Greatwoods lies an very strange clearing. No trees seem to be growing in the surrounding area, and most plant life just abruptly stops. This is the origin point of the forest's corruption. The castle in which "Pandora's box," was found. In the many centuries that Nova was forced to live on this plane, he eventually got to restoring the castle. Most of it is fully restored, but there are parts that are still destroyed.

Suburban Villa

After eventually growing weary of the dreadful forest, Nova purchased a villa located out in the suburbs. For those to wary and cautious to enter the cursed woods. They can meet him here. In the casual suburbs of {redacted} this wonderful villa is easy to vist and get to.


A wine shop that Nova eventually decided to open up. The shop is open to all and able to be visited from most dimensions (meaning it is multidimensional). Bacchus sells many various alcoholic beverages ranging in taste and age. All collected during the time that Nova has stayed on this plane. Being Multidimensional also means that he may even have some brews that are foriegn to the plane the shop may reside in. Potion might also be through into his selection depending on how magically advanced the location he is in.

Bacchus also holds a secret shop hidden in the back. The shop in the back no longer focuses on selling alcohol, but instead focuses on selling magical items. Mainly pertaining to scrolls used to enchant regular day objects. Any type of enchant you want, for a fair price that is.

King's Cursed Greatwood

The cursed greatwood is an after affect of Nova becoming corrupted. This is the forest in which he had found "Pandora's box." It is also the forest in which Nova continuously visited back when he was still a god. The once magnificent and mythical creatures housed within this forest have in turn become mindless, violent and corrupt beasts. Attacking most strangers upon sight, unless Nova (the king of the forest) deems otherwise. The beasts known to roam the forest are split into two different caterogies; fodder and bosses. Some boss level enemies may have a higher form.

Fodder: Slimes, goblins, hellhounds, wolves, hellspawn horses.
Bosses: Dragons, Orcs, Mintoaurus, dire wolves, corrupted unicorns.
High Boss: Ancient Dragon, Cerberus, Minotaurus King, Slime King/Queen.


Primary Kagekuki (影茎)

Kagekuki (影茎) translates to shadow stalk. The scythe itself isn't actually made of metal, but is actually a magic weapon that Nova makes with his shadow magic. Kagekuki stands at a whopping 8 feet long (243 centimeter), the blade being about 6 inches (15 centimeters), the shaft being 7 feet (213 Centimeter) and a large metallic looking ball at the bottom that has a diameter of 6 inches (15 centimeters). The weight of the entire weapon comes up to be about 20 pounds (9 kilograms), the blade being 7 pounds (3 kilograms), the shaft being 2 pounds (1 kilogram) and the ball at the bottom being 11 pounds (5 kilograms). The weapon is a blackened greatscythe with a blade that can (at the press of a button) switch between being dull and sharp. It's primary use is to be used as a hook, pulling in opponents towards Nova to deliver powerful kicks. Honesty his greatest weapon is his legs. The scythe is 8 feet long and most of the weight is distributed towards the steel ball at the bottom of the scythe. The scythe can also function as a cutting tool and a bow staff depending on the situation.


Nova is also skilled in using a wide variety of offhand weapons. Using Kagekuki only when he knows he needs to go in for a kill. When he deems an opponent not truly worth his full power he will either use some unnamed daggers or a short sword (both of which are created with his magic). He is also skilled in different forms of hand to hand combat, mostly using them in conjunction with his different weapons.

Spells and Abilities

Minor Regeneration: Able to heal any not fatal damage done to the body.
Weakness to Electricity: The electrical current upon entering his body causes his composition to momentarily change to that of a human. His shadow like abilities are dampened enough to score a critical hit. While his body might die, this does not mean his true self can die. After all there is no way to truly destroy blood unless it's at a molecular level.
Slight Foresight: By watching the very subtle movements of the others body he can predict the next course of action, works very poorly against flexible and unpredictable opponents.
Higher Intellect: Allows him to both cast high level or ancient spells as well as formulate multiple plans before hand for one single reaction.
Ungodly Speed: Able to move quicker than the eye can perceive. Very few can actually see his movements and attacks seem to have a delay. No this is not a time stop ability and it can be countered by making the area harder to move in.
Realistic Illusions: Able to cast illusions on objects to make them seem real. Examples are of his arm, one of which isn't even real.
Innate Corruption: Able to influence others more easily to become corrupted or fall. More effective on devout followers of faith.
Tentacle Summon: Ability to summon various types of tentacles upon command. Most traverse between his shadow. Signature type are those with thorns and vine like structures.
Tentacle Injection: Various different kinds of tentacles have access to varying drugs. Some that can numb the body while others increase sensitivity by various degrees.
Anti Faith: Counters most faith based attacks, depending on the strength it is either mutely effective or dispelled upon contact.
Blood Injection Healing: Able to use his blood to cure your body of any existing ailments. Works on disease as well.
Innate Curse Acceptance: Due to his rather unlucky past his body and spirit easily accepts any curse cast on him.
Destruction of Inner Foreign Toxins: Any type of toxin or drug is usually nullified upon entrance, this includes the ability of corrosiveness to varying degress due to the belief it works as soon as it hits the blood.
Shadow Make Magic: Able to create any inanimate object out of shadow.
Shadow bind: He is able to use his shadow magic to momentarily bind a person's shadow, making them unable to move.
Shadow Warp: The ability he refers to as fast travelling; works rather similarly, any location he has visited before in his lifetime is saved in a spell cast, when cast it opens a black portal leading to there. Can be used in very short distances. Most effective when warping to a person.
Shadow Phase: The ability to either turn a single part of his body or his whole body into shadows. Can be used to phase through a wall or attack. If used on an attack it is more so a single general area. Has a rather blatant weakness to swift consecutive and unpredictable hits.
Quick Enchant: He is able to freely swap enchants on the flip of a dime.
Enchant scrolls: He is able to write down his enchants on a piece of paper to allows others to use them
Master Level Enchanting: He can use any attribute of enchant and any level, ranging from minor to god level.

Kinks & Limits

Major Kinks

Mind Break
Minor Ryona (abuse)
Weapon play
Consensual Non-con
Shibari (rope tying)
Oral Fixation
Sharp Teeth
Multiple Partners
Multiple Entry

Major Limits

All The Way Through



Slave Seals

With Nova being a fallen god of lust of course he has his own special slave seal that he can apply to those he wishes to permanently mark as his own. The seal is applied to ones own body by injecting them with Nova's own mana/essence. The application of the seal can vary in pain depending on how he feels. For those of light heart, he will usually make the seal rather painless, but if you love pain you will love this. To get the full power of the seal the pain must be high. At the highest setting it will feel like your body is constantly being stabbed and broken, but as soon as the pain is over it will all double back to you in a wave of pleasure.

BDSM Test Results


You can call me black heart if you wish to call me anything. If you are one of the lucky few I will give you my real name. I was born on January 3, 1998. I also currently am living in the EST zone (UTC−05:00, DST UTC−04:00). I will usually be up between the time of 2 Am to 2 PM Friday- Tuesday, and up 2pm-5am Wednesday and Thursday. It may vary on how I feel that day. I also am a rather low tier photo edittor and currently working on getting better, no art I post is my personal art; for i cannot draw worth shit.

Art Sources Used HERE

Heading Image 🎨

Background Image 🎨


Info Main Image🎨

The Best I Got For Fang and Teeth🎨

Blob Monster Is Appearently From Here🎨

Castle Image is Portchester Castle in the UK🎨

Suburban Villa is appeary Oya 473 Suburban Villa in Vietnam 🎨

Wine Is A Stock Image From 🎨

Trees Seem To Be An Edit Of 🎨


Slave Seal is By @8DancngTentacls